Miss Ashley

Miss Ashley has been with Small World for 2½ years and is a WONDERFUL part of our team.  She builds such a great relationship with the children that she has a hard time staying in one classroom because she has enjoyed moving classes as the children have grown older.  She is dependable, and as an opening teacher, this is relied upon heavily.  There is always something fun going on with Miss Ashley –  art projects, dancing, singing, and lots of energetic play.  She is currently involved in a program to get her CDA and we have enjoyed hearing how much she is learning and wants to implement in her classroom.  We can’t wait for her to certify and receive this great award.  Ashley is a great help and willing to do anything asked of her. She is there for her co-teachers and often helps in other classrooms when there is a need.  Thank you for your dedication ~ you are so appreciated!


Miss Jenn

Miss Jenn began her Small World career in August of 2017 as one of our Two’s/Three’s Preschool Teachers. We have enjoyed her steady, reliable, and no-nonsense teaching style. Jenn has been such a wonderful co-teacher and a valuable addition to our staff.
Jenn helps out so often with her willingness to stay late if needed and help out with other classrooms. Her strong will has helped even the most stubborn Two year old become potty trained.

Thanks Miss Jenn… we appreciate all you do for us and the children of Small World!