Super Easy Pipe Cleaner Bubble Wands

Every Child loves bubbles! What child wouldn’t love a bubble wand that they made! We found this craft on My Home Based Life It is super easy and my kids and I had so much fun making them.  What a way to make bubbles even more exciting!


  • Pipe Cleaners

  • Perler Beads

  • Bubbles

  • Small Dish


  • Place the two ends of a pipe cleaner together and twist the bottoms together, leaving the top in a circle shape.
  • Start placing beads onto the bottom two pipe cleaner ends and pushing them to the top, you can create any color pattern you’d like.
  • Once you fill the wand with beads, fold the end of the pipe cleaner up to hold the beads in place
  • Fill up a small dish with bubbles and dip the circle end of the wand into the bubbles and blow on the wand to make bubbles.